Here’s a Geek Moment with 7 of Our All Time Favorite Harry Potter Fanfics

By: Amina Farouk

This one’s for the Harry Potter geeks, the ones who know anything and everything regarding the Potter verse, but often feel overwhelmed with the 2M+ HP fanfics on the internet. There are so many acronyms! And portmanteaus! And fan fiction tropes which have become so pervasive, even diehard fans might be fooled into thinking they’re genuine JKR products! So, I’m just a guiding tool, here’s where any beginner needs to start.

While I’m by no means an expert on the fandom, I love everything about the Harry Potter universe. Here’s a collection of all the stories that have stayed with me over the past few years.Some stories were excellent, some purposely ridiculous, but they all took me back to the days when I obsessively consumed every bit of Harry Potter culture I could get my hands on. Below are seven of the best pieces of fanfiction that can still be found online today. If you want to spend the next week going down the HP fanfiction rabbit hole, I certainly won’t judge you.

1. Destiny Reversed by chattypandagurl

Once we learned that Neville, not Harry, had the potential to be the Chosen One, we all wondered: what if Voldemort had attacked the Longbottoms instead of the Potters? This fanfiction imagines Harry falling asleep and waking up in a world where his entire family is still alive. Which means that now Neville is the one fighting Voldemort. Harry now has to choose between living happily ever after or helping his friend defeat the Dark Lord. While the concept might not be original, this story adds a nice twist by making Harry aware of the reversal.

2. Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness by thanfiction

Ever wonder what the DA was up to while Harry and the gang were out looking for Horcruxes, or how Neville became such a rebellious badass? Finally someone came along and filled in those holes for us! Be warned, this story is violent, but if you’re more interested in some of the series’s supporting characters and want to read a pretty cool retelling of what was happening at Hogwarts during Deathly Hallows , I would highly recommend taking the time to read this story (the first in a trilogy!).

3. Double or Nothing by calico 

HARRY POTTER/N*SYNC CROSSOVER SEXY FANFICTION. You probably never expected to see those words together, but Calico has a way better imagination than you. The Weasley twins are at a party attempting to pick up Muggle men when they’re both seduced by Lance Bass. Sexy wizard/popstar hijinks follow, but definitely worth reading for the sheer hilarity of this bizarre (but pretty well-written) piece of fanfiction.

4. The First Day by little0bird

Compared to the other fanfics mentioned here, this is, in my opinion, the most realistic, in that the action we follow could have easily happened in the HP books if JKR had decided to continue past the seventh book.

After the battle for Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows , J.K. Rowling immediately jumps years into the future, showing us a Harry who is happily married with children. But what about the battle-scarred Harry who has just defeated his greatest enemy but watched many of those closest to him die? This fanfiction picks up directly after the battle and deals with Harry’s struggle to cope in the aftermath of Voldemort’s downfall. While some of your favorite couples do get attention, this story is way more about PTSD and dealing with the loss of loved ones than romance.

5. My Immortal by tara gilesbie

Most readers of harry Potter fanfiction are familiar with “My Immortal”, but if you haven’t heard of it (you Prep!) let me give you a rundown of this masterpiece. Widely known as the best/worst piece of fanfiction in Harry Potter history, this story revolves around 17-year-old Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way, a vampire witch who goes to Hogwarts and likes to attend Good Charlotte concerts with Draco Malfoy. Yes, it is every bit as terrible and awesome as it sounds, and its a true fanfiction classic.

6. Isolation by bex-chan 

 I have to confess I was quite skeptical of the whole Dramione fanfiction hype, since I’ve never quite understood how a character as exceptional as Hermione could ever develop feelings for someone as problematic as Draco. Well, this fanfic completely changed my mind, which says a lot.

Rejoice, Hermione/Draco shippers! Harry and Ron are out searching for Horcruxes and Hermione’s been left to help Professor McGonagall run Hogwarts. Hiding from Voldemort, Draco Malfoy is put under Hermione’s watch to keep him safe and make sure he doesn’t escape. Can you guess where this is going? Draco battles his prejudice against Mudbloods while Hermione slowly begins to view her old enemy as a love interest. Obviously, sexiness ensues, but the story’s a lot more interesting than that.

7. Scorpius Malfoy and the Improbable Plot by opalish

Draco Malfoy’s son Scorpius has befriended the Potter children and has become something of a surrogate son to Harry. After an explosion, Harry, Scorpius, and the rest of Harry’s family end up in an alternate reality in which Voldemort is alive and Harry has died. But honestly, the plot’s not that important. What’s important is that this fanfiction is absolutely hilarious and contains chapters called “In Which Harry Dies Inside, A Little” and “In Which Snape Is Irritated, For A Change.” You read this one to laugh, not for the plot.

and one for one of my friends who highly recommends it is “ modifcation” i havent quote read this one but she swears by it , so give it a try.

Regardless of what you’re into, one of the Harry Potter fanfic choices above is bound to be right up your alley (I hope). Happy reading!

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